2003 was the centenary of the first houses to be built along the road

This site explores the history of the Road
and its occupants . . . click here to search
for the surname of a resident or a servant

. . . use the navigation bar at the bottom
to discover who lived where and when



To locate a house along the road (assuming
you know its name), click here.



In 1971 Mary Morris, a long-term resident of the Village,
wrote a history which she entitled "History of Merstham"

This book has long been out of print but has now been reset and reprinted with all the original text. The quallity of many of the original photographs make them unfit for reproduction but the new edition of the History contains 11 photographs of the village as it was at the start of the twentieth century. All profits from the sale are being donated to St Katharine's church as part of the major fund-raising appeal for restoration of stonework at the church, parts of which date from the 12th century.

To obtain a copy of the book please email rockshawroad@gmail.com.


This website is sponsored by the Residents' Association

This site was last updated on Friday 29 November 2019

Please send any corrections or additions to rockshawroad@gmail.com