Merstham Village Hall

To enquire about booking the Hall telephone 01737 301010 (you may have to leave a message) or email


Station Road North, Merstham, RH1 3ED

Merstham Village Hall was built in the late 1920s as a community facility (although it probably wasn't called that at the time).

It continues to be available to groups in the local community and to individuals for private hire.

The Hall is owned and operated by Merstham Village Trust, registered charity no. 305078. All the Trustees give their time voluntarily.

For most of the year the Hall is used Monday – Friday by groups who meet regularly each week. Click here for a list of the groups .Weekly slots that are currently available are Monday morning, most Thursdays (morning and afternoon), and Friday afternoon. The charge for each session is generally between £35 and £40.

When the Hall is not in use by one of the regular groups it is available for Hire by members of the general public. A guide to the charges, and to weekend availability, can be found via the links on the left. Note that the weekend charges are higher than those for a regular booking.

For details of Hall availability, click here

The charges and cancellation policy can be found here

Please click here for a leaflet giving further details of the Hall

  To find out more about what we can offer, and how to make a booking, click here.

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