Genealogical information of the GREEN (and related) families

I have been researching the history of my famiily since the mid-1960s. My initial aim was to trace the various family lines back into history as far as I was able; more recently I have also become interested in 'filling out' the family to include information about cousins, aunts and uncles as well as my direct ancestors.

From an early stage I found it helpful to have a 'skeleton' tree so that I could keep track of where the various family surnames fitted in and this tree may be seen by clicking here.

As may be apparent, circles represent marriages - that is, when two family names join to become one. The chart is broadly chronological from left to right, so more recent events are towards the right-hand side. The two circles on the extreme right - labelled '1908' and '1914' - represent the marriages of my grandparents; so my paternal grandparents (Thomas George GREEN and Grace May HUMPHRIES) married in 1908, and similarly my mother's parents married in 1919. In general the male line is shown above the female line although in the interests of clarity this isn't always the case. A circle containing a query mark (?) indicates that the date of the marriage isn't known, or can't be confirmed; while a circle with a dash (of which there are two instances in the Della Rocca line) indicates that there was no marriage - both these were illegitimate births. The vertical dotted line divides what I term 'recent history' from earlier generations. The eight families immediately to the right of the line - Green, Della Rocca, etc., are those of my great-grandparents; information is split into eight volumes, thus there is one for the Green family, one for the Della Rocca family, etc. The 'G' numbers along the bottom show the generations: thus with myself as 'generation 0' my parents are 'generation 1', or 'G1'; my grandparents are 'G2', etc. Information from my great-grandparents forward is contained in a single volume. It may readily be seen that progress varies from line to line. Research on the Humphries and Thomas lines, for example, is proving very difficult whilst other lines have been traced back to the 17th century.

Use the links below to display each family's history. All the information is contained in pdf files. If you have not visited this site before you may find it helpful to read my 'Introduction to booklets'. Apart from the HUMPHRIES and THOMAS lines each of the eight family branches has three links: 'tree', 'text', and 'diagrams'. The 'tree' link will show the complete family tree for that branch of the family: the 'text' link gives a textual document that lists every family member that I have found. You will find a great many footnotes in the text containing references and sources; this is intentional and should help others to verify the information I have provided. In many instances style has been sacrificed for clarity. The 'diagrams' link is mainly graphical and shows family trees and relationships. For the HUMPHREYS and THOMAS families information has been harder to find, and all is contained within one document.

If you wish to look for a particular ancestor - to see, for instance, if your own tree connects with mine - I suggest that you open the 'text' document and do a word search. If you find a reference that looks promising then open the 'diagrams' file to see where that ancestor fits in to the overall family structure. For best results you should display the 'text' and 'diagrams' files side-by-side if possible, with page numbers corresponding.

While I have done my best to verify all the information within the site, and have included references and sources wherever possible, I should welcome any corrections or additional information: this can be sent to me by clicking here.


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